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Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Nazi are the Progressive liberals, the progressives are the Nazi.

The Nazi are the Progressive liberals, the progressives are the Nazi. Think about it. Who joins the flotillas? Who supports Pakistan over Israel? Who supports Obama, who supports the Muslims over the Jews? The progressives are fueling the forces that move against the Jews, - that move for Jewish demise. Like the Nazi, the progressives are collectivists - they are blind ideology, masses brainwashed and trained to think the same. Their ends always justified their means. They excuse themselves of all sorts of terrible behavior because they have this notion that they their ideology is superior. They support an evil, divisive scoundrel, and no matter how absurd his actions, they are incapable of seeing any fault - - unwilling to criticize. Obama has been the worst President ever, and they all just doubled down: what won't they support from this man? How far into hell will they follow him, and their collective insanity? Progressives are the Nazi.

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