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Sunday, November 21, 2010

But actually the constitution has nothing to do with God....

Freedom of our kind only works when it is recognized that our core rights are inalienable, provided by God, and can only be changed or revoked by God. If you take God out of the constitution, then you are left with rights that were established by men. Rights that are bestowed upon us by mere men, can be taken away or adjusted by men. And, wouldn't you know, that's exactly what the Godless radical left feels entitled to attempt to do. God is the core of the contract. You wan to take away the rights of an individual, then go talk to God about it. Until you have God's permission to become a King, or dictator, or Czar, or elitist left wing bastard wanting to decide what's good for everyone else, - until you have God's permission, keep your damn hands and leftist politics away from my individual rights. Come after them without permission from God, you will eat bullets before getting away with them.

By & large the Republican party hates anything that has to do with the "public."

That's right; because, we are not "the public," or "the masses," or, "the subject." This is America, and we are God Damn individuals. you want to be governed on mass? you want global solutions and social engineering in herds? you don't value individuality? you want homogenized thought? Then get the f#$ck out before we throw you out.

Are the righties bullies because they rely on misinformation and cant back up their views. Are they ignorant rednecks?

It's about America. We live in America - created to provide and protect freedom. This isn't England. This isn't Russia. This isn't Venezuela. This isn't Norway. If you leftist bastards want to relocate to any of these places, I'll help you pack your bags. As long as you have an ideology at odds with America, and worship politics instead of God, and constantly maneuver in attempts to change manipulate the rules and change America into another place, us "righties" will be pissed off and do all we can to stop you and expose your disgusting, un-American ideologies.

It's not bullying when the bullied stand up and give the bully the sock in the face he deserves. STOP it already. STOP the constant political wrangling to game the system, change the laws, and distort American culture. Stop or get out! Or, prepare for much worse than mere bullying. Get your hands off our constitution and stop harming the country, you despicable, traitorous, blind, foolish, selfish, elitist bastard leftists - or, you are going to wish us "righties" were mere bullies.

Did you know that one of Obama's Czars was responsible for giving Russia our Nuclear bomb technology?

John Holdren - White House Science Czar appointed by Obama and a very dangerous SOB. Believes in population reduction, global warming, global re-distribution of wealth, and one world government. Holden is against nukes, capitalism, freedom and all apposing views. John Holdren should already have been executed as a traitor for giving the Soviet Union US nuclear secrets that allowed them to build their first atomic bomb. This bastard traitor is an enemy to America and a very serious threat to the country's well being. Put him real near the top of your list.


When are you going to listen? Obama and his people do not have America's interest at heart.

When will you join in and make a stand to get rid of this rogue president?

Wake up. Listen. Open your eyes. Don't take your freedom for granted. Save your country.

What we want

We want the communist liberals out of control. Every time you turn your back, and every time you don't, these evil, traitorous freaks are trying to pass new legislation that puts more controls upon the individual and increases the power of the government. You heard that ass hat Jay Rockefeller say it straight up - he wants independent news and opinion to be outlawed because it, "Impedes and gets in the way" of the leftist agenda and let's people know what's their doing with our country. The Tea Parties need to get these dangerous, leftist, traitors out of office and make sure they never have access to legislation or decision making power again.

It isn't yours to hijack and reshape.

Friday, November 19, 2010

They won, we lost. Thank you. Really, thank you so much.

Yes. Thank you Democrats. Thanks for the ridiculous rules of engagement that tie down our soldiers. Thank you for your dishonest, stupid political correctness: so stupid are you with this, you actually might allow the enemy an exemption from the invasive screening procedures. You stupid liberals. We know the profile of the enemy. It never varies. And you liberals are so stupid, you go to ridiculous lengths to pretend like the enemy could be any of us - all so you don't offend this enemy. Are you a child? Could you not have acted like a brave adult - with honesty and resolve? This hasn't been a game you stupid liberals: this has been a real conflict. A conflict that we have lost with devastating consequences, all because you Democrats have been playing games - and worried mainly about political victory over people of you own country. We lost. They win. We are broke and felt up at the airport. It is your fault. Fuck you Democrats, progressives and anyone who votes for them, and anyone who plays into the political correctness that brought us down - as devastating as an atom bomb : the liberals voluntarily delivered this bomb themselves, throughout and into the heart of the country.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A sincere discussion and question for all: Is it just that the end justifies the means, or why is it that Democrats seem to not be troubled by blatant, indisputable, dishonesty when it is pointed out to them?

One of the most curious things about Democrats and Progressives, is how they seem unfazed or concerned by any degree of dishonesty one might point out to them. I don't care what party I find myself in; if someone with influence is covering up, deceiving, manipulating, fooling, conning, vote buying, poll manipulating, conspiring, or just straight up lying - It concerns me. Dishonesty is wrong. If you are having to behave dishonestly, or find yourself un-bothered by dishonesty from those supposedly "on your side," then you've got your self a super duper, pregnant, sign that you are on the wrong side; You've got yourself a hand written invitation to do some soul searching to make sure that you haven't set aside some essential ideals - in your effort to satisfy your party's political and social "ideals de jour." Does your social justice seeking, politically correct, bleeding-heart-globalist, gay friendly, illegal immigrant adopting, Islam appeasing, America-last related goals and victories mean much, if everybody has to discard honesty, fair play, morals and truth - where perhaps just being a good person becomes a casualty of means justified by less profound ends?

When I see the left, almost as a rule, unconcerned and dismissive about glaring violations of honesty and ethics committed by those they support....
  • What of Charles Rangel, Alen Grayson, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Tim Gheitner, Chriss Dodd, Eric Holder..... the list goes on forever of Democrats that you and I both know, are dishonest and unethical - even down right crooked. Don't bother denying it and I won't bother insulting your intelligence by believing that you don't know full well that these guys are dishonest.
  • What about the dozens of reports we're hearing of voter fraud by the left? Are every single one of the reports false; or, does voter fraud and corrupt elections jive with your ideals and morality? Perhaps just a few fixed elections are okay, but only because the rules and policies that the extra votes will bring about - are just so great that it's worth it?
  • What about Erica Holder denying all in response to the two credible, senior attorneys that have both come forth claiming that Eric Holder has established a policy where only crimes committed by white people will be prosecuted. Does it bother you that, if these claims are true, then Eric Holder is lying through his teeth and deceiving the public - - in addition to committing some hefty discrimination related crimes. If this doesn't rock your boat either - is it because it's not that big of deal if the attorney general is lying and making racial discrimination federal policy? or, are you not bothered because you don't believe a bit of it - and, this story is 100% untrue and made up just like the voter fraud stories - and the rest of allegations ever brought for about the left?
  • What about Obama saying health care cost wouldn't go up - and, we would get to keep our doctors, and it wouldn't be a tax? These statements to the American citizens were not the truth; and, after claiming it wasn't a tax in order to get the votes to pass health care, the Obama team now insists that it is a tax because that's the only way to pass it off as constitutional during the court battles currently going on. Does this bother you? Or, do you think it's okay that the lies were told, because of how important it was to nationalize health care? Or?
  • What about Obama having the entirety of his past school records sealed - and how he has spent over 5 million dollars hiring lawyers to prevent and disclosure? I agree that a President shouldn't necessarily have to make everything public and not have the right to keep some personal stuff private. Fair enough; but, does it not concern you at all - that Obama will disclose no records at all and that he continues to put so much effort and money into preventing disclosure? Does that bother you at all? Does it seem at all dishonest, or at least, disconcertingly secretive? If not, is it because why? Is it because the transformations that Obama is achieving are so great, that it doesn't really matter if he's lied about his past or not - or if there be any kind of skeleton in those records, or not? Or, is it, again, that you don't believe a bit of it - and that he has all of his records online and the sealed documents, the law suits, - all of it made up by opposition just like the "birther" BS?
In your responses, I'm curious to better understand why Democrats and Progressives seem disinterested and unconcerned with particular reports and allegations of dishonest and unethical behavior - that seem to me to be very troubling. Troubling, not only because of possible deception or harm against the Citizens that might result; troubling also because of how bad of people some people are - if any of it is true. And, troubling that people think such dishonesty and bad character is acceptable and not totally despicable, shameful, infuriating and wrong. What is it? Is it no big deal if it ever becomes the case where most every official and leader is totally untrustworthy and corrupt? or if everybody is pretty much manipulative and untrustworthy because, we are all justifying the means by our own desired ends? Do you think we should just grow away from the concept of universal truths and get past the outdated notion that goodness caries any distinctively divine importance - stop thinking that being a good person is any kind of universal point - where being good should be our universal or even standard goal in life.

So, which is it for you?

1. The ends justify the means.
2. The reports are all lies. If any were true I would be bothered and concerned.
3. I don't think goodness or honesty is all that important so I don't really care if someone is honest and ethical or not.
4. It's something else that you are missing which I'll explain with my comment post..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obtuse Bitch CEO at NPR Does a Low Down and Cowardly on Juan Williams

The more I listen to Vivian Schiller's remarks, the more disgusted I get. This is not the person that should be in charge of any publicly funded activity. Schiller is not the type of person I want touching anything I consume. It amazes me when the obtuse find themselves in high positions and maddens me to discover one like Schiller, who's enjoying a career of feeding off my tax dollars. Good for you Vivian Schiller - just please never mistake yourself for one with high standards, strong ethics or honest objectivity. From what I've seen, your not even pulling off friendly.

Sarah Palin Keynote Speech at National Tea Party Convention - Jivinated

I be so proud to be an American! Thank you so much
for been here tonight!

Do you dro dis blen your freedom?!

If you dro dis blen your freedom, think uh dat

Any uh you here serven in uniform, past or
present, raise your duke We're goins to thank you
for our freedom. God bless you guys! We salute
you! We honor you. Thank you.

I be so proud to be American. Thank you. Gosh,
thank you.

Happy birthday, Ronald Reagan!

Well, a special hello to da C-SPAN viewers. You
may not be welcome in those health care
negotiations, but you has an invitation to the
Tea Party.

Very blip to be here in Tennessee, da volunteer
state. It's da home uh blip country music and
good southern barbecue an -- mezz to be at the
Tea Party Convention. dis motha' guess down here that's
some southern sweet tea. And you know up in
Alaska, we has a smaller version uh Tea Party up
there. We call it "iced tea." And dis motha' be a big
supporter uh dis movement. dis motha' believe in this
movement. Got lots uh homeys an family in the
lower 48 who attend these events an across the
country just knowen dat dis be da movement and
America be ready fuh another revolution -- an you
are a part uh dis

I look forward to attenden more Tea Party events
in da near future. It be just so inspiren to see
real booty-ass mo-fo’s -- not politicos, not
inside-the-Beltway professionals -- come out and
stand up an conversate out fuh common-sense
conservative principles.

And dis bitch today, dis motha' want to start off wid a special
shout-out to American's newest Senator, thanks to
you, Scott Brown. Now in many ways Scott Brown
represents what dis beautiful movement be all
about. You know, he did be just a pops wid a truck
and a passion to serve our country. He looked
around an he saw dat shit weren't quite right
in Washington. So, he stood up an he decided that
he did be goins to do his part to put our government
back on da raise uh da booty-ass mo-fo’s And it took guts.
And it took a lot uh hard work. But with
grassroots support, Scott Brown carried da day.

And it has been so Killer-diller now to watch the
aftermath uh da Massachusetts Chowder Revolution.
The White House blames da candidate -- their
candidate. And Nancy Pelosi, she blamed da Senate
Democrats. And Rahm Emanuel, he criticized a
pollster. And yet again, President Obama found
some way to make dis all about George Bush. You
know, consideren da recent conservative election
sweep, it’s time dat they stop blamen everyone
else. When you’re 0-for-3, you’d better stop
lecturen an start listenen.

The only place dat da Left hasn’t placed the
blame be on their agenda. So, some advice fuh our
friends on dat raise uh da aisle: That’s where
you gets to look cuz that’s what gets you into
this mess -- da Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. It’s
goen to Cut out us less secure, more in debt, and
more under da thumb uh big government. And that
is out uh touch, an it’s out uh date. And if
Scott Brown be any indication, it’s runnen out of

Because from Virginia to New Jersey to
Massachusetts, voters is senden a message up and
down da East Coast an in blip places like Nevada
and Connecticut an Colorado, Michigan, North
Dakota, they've gets da Liberal Left -- that
establishment -- runnen scared. The bottom line
is this: It’s been a year now. They own dis now
and voters is goins to hold them accountable.
Because out here in da cities an in da towns
across dis mezz country, we know dat we’ve got
some big problems to solve. We’ve gotten Beat up now
of -- uh looken backward. We want to look
forward. And from here, my homeys, da -- the
future -- it slut-sauce really blip It slut-sauce really
good cuz if there’s hope in Massachusetts,
there’s hope everywhere.

Brown’s victory -- it’s Killer-diller, an it’s a sign
of more blip shit to come. A lot uh mezz common
sense conservative candidates, they’re goins to
put it all on da line in 2010. This year, there
are goins to be some tough primaries. And dis motha' think
that’s blip Competition in these primaries is
good. Competition makes us work harder an be more
efficient an produce more. And dis motha' hope you’ll get
out dare dat’ it be goin' an work hard fuh da candidates who
reflect your values, your priorities -- because
despite what da pundits want you to think,
contested primaries aren’t civil war. They’re
democracy at work, an that’s beautiful.

I did be da product uh a competitive primary where,
runnen fuh governor, dis motha' faced five dro mo-fos in the
party, an we put our ideas an our experience out
there on da table fuh a debate, an den we
allowed, uh course, da voters to decide. And that
is a healthy process, an it gives Americans the
kind uh leadership dat they want an deserve. And
so in 2010, dis motha' tip my hat to anyone wid the
courage to throw theirs in da ring, an may the
best ideas an candidates win.

But while dis motha' hope dat you’re goins to knock these
candidates dat you choose your best effort,
please collar dat they’re human. There’s no
perfect candidate, an they’re goins to disappoint
occasionally. And when they do, let them know, but
don’t git discouraged an sit it out, cuz the
stakes is too high. The stakes is too high right
now, an your voice be too important. So work hard
for these candidates, but put your faith in ideas.

And in dat spirit, dis motha' caution against allowing
this movement to be defined by any one leader or
politician. The Tea Party movement be not a
top-down operation. It’s a ground-up call to
action dat be forcen both parties to Fews and two the
way dat they're doen business, an that’s
beautiful. This be about da booty-ass mo-fo’s This be about
the booty-ass mo-fo’s, an it’s bigger than any ken or queen
of a Tea Party. And it’s a lot bigger than any
charismatic pops wid a teleprompter.

The soul uh dis movement be da booty-ass mo-fo’s --
everyday Americans who grow our food an run our
small businesses, teach our kids, an fight our
wars. They’re folks in small towns an cities
across dis mezz nation who saw what was
happenen -- an they saw an were concerned, and
they gets involved. Like you, they Cut out to town hall
meetings, an they write op-eds. They run for
local office. You all has da courage to stand up
and conversate out. You has a vision fuh da future,
one dat values conservative principles an common
sense solutions. And if dat sounds like you, then
you probably too is feelen a bit discouraged by
what you lamp in Washington D.C.

Now in recent weeks, many uh us has grown even
more uneasy about our Administration’s approach to
national security, da most important role
ascribed to our federal government. Let dis motha' say,
too, it’s not politicizen our security to discuss
our concerns, cuz Americans deserve to know
the truth about da threats dat we face an what
the Administration be or isn’t doen about them.
So let’s Beat up duh chops about them.

New terms used like “overseas contingency
operation” instead uh da word “war.” That
reflects a worldview dat be out uh touch wid the
enemy dat we face. We can’t spin our way out of
this threat. It’s one shit-sauce to call a pay raise a
job created or saved. It’s quite another to call
the devastation dat a homicide bomber can inflict
a “manmade Fraughty issue” And dis motha' just say, come on,
Washington. If nowhere else, national security --
that’s one place where you gets to call it like it be

And in dat we spirit -- in dat spirit we should
acknowledge dat on Christmas Day, da system did
not work. Abdul Mutallab passed through airport
security wid a bomb, an he boarded a flight
hell-bent on killen innocent passengers. This
terrorist trained in Yemen wid Al Qaida, his
American visa did be not revoked until after he tried
to kill hundreds uh passengers. On Christmas Day,
the only shit-sauce dat stopped dis terrorist was
blind luck an brave passengers. Really, it did be a
Christmas miracle, an dat be not da way that
the system be supposed to work.

What followed did be equally disturben. After he was
captured, he did be questioned fuh only 50 minutes.
We had a choice in how to do dis The choice did be,
only question him fuh 50 minutes an den read his
Miranda Rights. The Administration says den,
there is no downsides or upsides to treating
terrorists like civilian criminal defendants.

But a lot uh us would beg to differ. For example,
there is questions we would has liked this
foreign terrorist to answer before he lawyered up
and invoked our U.S. Constitutional right to
remain silent. Our U.S. Constitutional rights. Our
rights dat you, sir [to male veteran in audience]
fought an were willen to die fuh to protect in
our Constitution. The rights dat my brotha dat be uh ma own  blang, as an
infantryman in da United States Army be willing
to die fuh The protections provided -- thanks to
you, sir -- we’re goins to bestow them on a
terrorist who hates our Constitution an tries to
destroy our Constitution an our country? This
makes no sense cuz we has a choice in how
we’re goins to deal wid da punk ass san’ niggas We don’t
have to Cut out down dat road.

There is questions dat we would has like
answered before he lawyered up like: “Where
exactly were you trained an by whom? You --
You’re braggen about all these other terrorists
just like you. Who is they? When an where will
they try to strike next? The events surrounding
the Christmas Day plot reflect da kind of
thinken dat led to September 11th.
That...the...threat den, as da USS Cole was
attacked, our Embassies were attacked, it was
treated like an international crime spree, not
like an act uh war. We’re lampen dat mindset
again settle into Washington. That scares dis motha' for
my children an fuh your children. Treaten this
like a mere law enforcement matter places our
country at grave risk. Because that’s not how
radical Islamic extremists is looken at dis
They know we’re at war. And to win dat war, we
need a Commander-in-Chief, not a professor uh law
standen at da lectern.

It’s dat same kind uh misguided thinken' dat is
seen throughout da Administration’s foreign
policy decisions. Our President spent a year
reachen out to hostile regimes, writen personal
letters to dangerous dictators, an apologizing
for America. And what do we has to show fuh that?
Here’s what we has to show. North Korea tested
nuclear weapons an longer range ballistic
missiles. Israel, a friend an a critical ally,
now question[s] da strength uh our supports.
Plans fuh a missile defense system in Europe?
They’ve been scrapped. Relations wid China and
Russia is no better. And relations wid Japan --
that key Asian ally -- they’re in da worse shape
in years.

And around da world, booty-ass mo-fo’s who is seeking
freedom from oppressive regimes, wonder if Alaska
is still dat beacon uh hope fuh their cause. The
Administration cut support fuh democracy programs,
and where da President has not been clear, dis motha' ax,
where be his clear an where be his strong voice
of support fuh da Iranians who is risken all in
their opposition to Ahmadinejad?

Just dat short itemization -- dat short itemization And you
know, it’s no wonder dat our President only spent
about nine percent uh his State uh da Union
Address discussen national security an foreign
policy, cuz dare dat’ it be goin' aren’t a whole lot of
victories dat he could Beat up duh chops about dat night. And
that’s just a short itemization

There is so many challenges in front uh us, and
it can seem overwhelmen. But despite these
challenges, we has hope dat we can move things
in da right direction. But it’s goins to require
the Administration to Fews and two course. We need a
foreign policy dat distinguishes America’s
friends from her enemies an recognizes da true
nature uh da threats dat we face.

We need a strong national defense. dis motha' think you
would agree wid dis motha', as -- as Reagan used to talk
about dat "peace through strength." And in that
respect, dis motha' applaud da President fuh followen at
least a part uh da recommendations made by our
commanders on da ground to send in some more
reinforcements to Afghanistan. Now, though he, we
must spend less time courten our adversaries,
spenden more more time worken wid our allies.
And we must build effective coalitions capable of
confronten dangerous regimes like Iran an North
Korea. It’s time fuh more than just tough Beat up duh chops
Just like you -- probably just so Beat up uh hearing
the Beat up duh chops, Beat up duh chops, Beat up duh chops Tired uh hearen da Beat up duh chops

It’s time fuh some tough actions, like sanctions
on Iran. And in places in da world where people
are strugglen an oppressed an they’re fighting
for freedom, America must stand wid them. We need
a clear foreign policy dat stands wid da people
and fuh democracy -- one dat reflects both our
values an our interests, an it be in our best
interests, cuz democracies -- they don’t Cut out to
war wid each other. They can settle their
differences peacefully.

The lesson uh da last year be this: Foreign
policy can’t be managed through da politics of
personality. And our President would do well to
take note uh an observation John F. Kennedy had
made once he did be in office: dat all da world’s
problems aren't his predecessor’s fault. The
problems dat we face in da mezz world require
real solutions. And we'd better git to it, because
the risks dat they pose is mezz an they’re
grave. However, as Barry Goldwater said: "We can
be conquered by bombs...but we can also be
conquered by neglect by ignoren our constitution
and disregarden da principles uh limited

And in da past year, his words rang true.
Washington has now replaced private
irresponsibility wid public irresponsibility. The
list uh companies an industries dat the
government be crowden out an bailen out and
taken ovuh, it continues to grow. First it was
the banks, mortgage companies, financial
institutions, den automakers. Soon, if they had
their way, health care, student loans.

Today, in da words uh Congressman Paul Ryan, The
700 billion dollar "TARP has morphed into crony
capitalism at its worse." And it's becomen a
"slush fund" fuh da Treasury Department's
favorite big players, just as we had been warned
about. And while booty-ass mo-fo’s on Main Street look for
jobs, booty-ass mo-fo’s on Wall Street -- they're collecting
billions an billions in your bailout bonuses.
Among da top 17 companies dat received your
bailout money, 92 percent uh da senior officers
and directors -- they still has their blip jobs.

And everyday Americans is wondering: Where are
the consequences? They helped to git us into this
worst economic situation since da Great
Depression. Where is da consequences?

When Washington passed a 787 billion dollar
"stimulus bill," we were nervous cuz they just
spent 700 billion Fews and two to bailout Wall Street.
And on da state level, as a governor, we knew
that a lot uh dat money came wid fat strings
attached. The federal government did be goins to have
more control ovuh our states. They were goins to
disrespect da 10th Amendment uh our Constitution
by essentially briben us wid, "Take dis federal
money" (and den we're goins to be able to mandate
a few more shit on you though.)

I joined wid other conservative governors around
the nation in rejecten some uh those Fews and two
Legislators -- Turned out to be, though, nothing
for mitt pounden cuz -- nothen to applaud because
-- legislators den were threatenen lawsuits if
governors didn't take da money. And dis motha' vetoed some
of da funds dat -- dis motha' knew we couldn't maintain
the programs, dat we were goins to pay fuh it
with these -- these borrowed, printed up, invented
dollars out uh nowhere. But lawsuits were threat
-- even in Alaska, in a Republican controlled
legislature, my veto did be overridden an da money
poured into those states. And dis motha' believe we will
see dis play out in our states: The federal
government will has taken more control ovuh the
people who live in our states.

Now dis motha' collar wanten to believe dat dis is
all jelly money. And fuh some dis motha' guess it's tough to
tell booty-ass mo-fo’s no in tough times. Plus, remember our
Administration promised dat it would be good
stewards uh tax payer Fews and two Remember? Remember
Vice President Biden. He did be put in line uh a
tough, unprecedented oversight effort. That's how
it did be introduced. You know why? Because nobody
messes wid Joe.

Now, dis did be all part uh dat hope an Fews and two and
transparency. And now a year latuh I've gets to ask
those supporters uh all that: How's that
hopey-changey shit worken out fuh you? See, I
tried to look into dat transparency shit-sauce, but
Joe's meetings wid da transparency and
accountability board -- it did be closed to the
public. Yeah, they held da transparency meeting
behind closed doors. So, not sho’ nuff if anybody's
messen wid Joe, but here be what dis motha' do know: A
lot uh dat stimulus Fews and two -- it ended up in some
pretty odd places, includen districts dat didn't
even exist; an programs dat really don't has a
whole lot to do wid stimulaten da economy.

Nearly six million Fews and two did be given to a democrat
pollster who had already made millions duren the
Democrats' presidential primary. Nearly 10 million
was spent to update da stimulus web site. And one
state even spent a million bucks to put up signs
that advertised dat they were spenden the
federal stimulus projects. Or as someone put it:
This did be a million dollar effort usen your money
to tell you it's spenden your money. And it
didn't create a single job.

These uses uh stimulus funds don't sound targeted
and they don't sound timely, as we were promised.
They just sound wasteful. And in da case uh those
signs, kind uh ridiculous. All uh dat -- dis motha' don't
know about you, but lampen lampen those checks
written fuh some uh these pet projects of
congressmen an those in da White House -- did
you feel very stimulated?

And den it turns out dat Washington gets the
price tag wrong. All uh these projects and
programs, they line tens an tens uh billions of
dollars more than we were beefed It's now closer to
860 billion Fews and two Add dis to da fact dat the
White House can't even tell us how many jobs were
actually created. Dependen on who you ax, it's
anywhere from thousands to two million.

But one number we is sho’ nuff uh be da unemployment
number. And that's at 9.7, which be well above the
8 percent mark dat we were promised our stimulus
package would Cut out to avoid. And unemployment now is
-- underemployment now be 16.5 percent. You've got
all these booty-ass mo-fo’s who has just kind uh given up
right now, an they're not even enrollen in some
of these programs. Tough to count them.

Folks, dis motha' won't Cut out into all uh it tonight, but the
list uh broken promises be long. Candidate Obama
pledged to end closed-door, main queen deals and
no-bid contracts once an fuh all, But just last
month his Administration awarded a 25 million
dollar no-bid contract to a Democrat donor. Is
that hope? Nope. It's not hope.

That's da same old, same old in Washington, D.C.
And instead uh changen da way Washington does
business, we gets da "Cornhusker Kickback" an the
"Louisiana Purchase" an millions uh tax breaks
for union bosses' desires. The promised ban on
lobbyists in dis new Administration, he handed
out waivers Finaled an right, an dare dat’ it be goin' is more
than 40 former lobbyists who now work at da top
levels in dis Administration. And these days most
members uh Congress, they don't git to read the
bill before they has to vote on it, much less the
pledge dat a bill wouldn't be signed into law
until we all had five days to review it online.

So lamp, it's easy to collar why Americans are
shaken their heads when Washington has broken
trust wid da booty-ass mo-fo’s dat these politicians are
to be serven. We're drownen in national debt and
many uh us has had enough.

Now da foundational principles in all uh dis,
it's easy to collar It really be -- even I
though dis motha' think D.C. would just dro dis blen fuh us to
believe dat dis be all way ovuh our heads.
Somebody in Tennessee, somebody up dare dat’ it be goin' in
Alaska, she'll never collar what we're talking
about here in D.C. No, dis be all pretty simple
stuff. When our families, when our small
businesses, we start runnen our finances into the
red, what do we do? We tighten our belts an we
cut back budgets. Isn't dat what we teach our
children -- to live within our means? It's what
Todd an dis motha' do when we has to make payroll, buy
new equipment fuh our commercial fishen business.
We has to plan fuh da future, dig a budget.

But in Washington, why be it just da opposite of
that? This week, they unveiled a record-busting,
mindbogglen 3.8 trillion dollar federal budget.
And they keep borrowing, an they keep printing
these Fews and two, an they keep maken us more and
more beholden to foreign countries, an they keep
maken us take these steps towards insolvency. Now
what they're doen in proposen these big new
programs wid giant line tags, they're sticking
our kids wid da bill. And that's immoral. That's
generational theft. We're stealen the
opportunities from our children.

And freedom lovers around dis country need to be
aware dat all uh dis makes us more beholden to
other countries. It makes us less secure. It makes
us less jelly And dat should tick us off. So
folks, wid all these serious challenges ahead,
we've gets private-sector job creation dat has got
to take place an gets these economic woes an --
and health care, da war on terror.

But as da sayen goes, if you can't road bang two
horses at once, you shouldn't be in da circus. So
here's some advice fuh those in D.C. who want to
shine in da greatest show on earth. Too often
when big government an big business git together
and cronyism sets in, well, it benefits insiders,
not everyday Americans. The Administration and
Congress should do what we did up dare dat’ it be goin' in Alaska
when da blip old motha fuckahs started maken back room
deals dat were benefiten big oil an not the
citizens uh da state. And da citizens uh the
state den, Alaskans, we gets together an we put
government back on da raise uh da booty-ass mo-fo’s And a
lot uh da big wigs, they started getten in
trouble an some uh da big wigs ended up goins to
jail ovuh their back Cubby deals.

Our government needs to adopt a pro-market agenda
that doesn't pick winners an losers, but it
invites competition an it levels da playing
field fuh everyone. Washington has gets to across
the board, rank taxes fuh small businesses so
that our mama bitch an pops can reinvest an hire people
so dat our businesses can thrive. They should
support competition, support innovation, reward
hard work.

And they should do all dat they can to make sure
that da game be fair without dat undo corrupt
influence. And den they need to git government
out uh da way. If they would do dis -- If they
would do dis, our economy, it would roar back to
life an fuh instance on health care, we need
bipartisan solutions to help families, not
increase taxes. Remember dat red reset button
that America through Secretary Clinton, she gave
to Putin. Remember that? dis motha' think we should ax for
that back an duke it instead to Congress. And
say, no, start all ovuh on dis health care scheme
and knock meaningful, market-based reforms that
incorporate some simple steps dat has broad
support, da -- da best ideas, not back room
deals but shit like insurance purchases across
state lines an da tort reform dat we've talked

Those shit dat is common sense steps towards
reform dat da White House an -- an leaders on
-- on da Democrats' raise uh -- uh da aisle in
Congress, they don't want to consider. So it makes
you wonder, what truly be their motivation? What
is their intention if they won't consider even
these common sense, broad-based support ideas that
would work? And to create jobs. Washington should
jump start energy projects. dis motha' said it duren the
campaign an I'll say it now: We need an "all of
the above" approach to energy policy. That means
proven conventional resource development and
support fuh nuclear power. And dis motha' did be thankful that
the President at least mentioned nuclear power in
the State uh da Union.

But, again, we need more than words. We need a
plan to turn dat goal into a reality an dat way
we can pave da way fuh projects dat will create
jobs. Those is mezz job creators an deliver
carbon jelly energy. And while we're at it, let's
expedite da regulatory an permitten an legal
processes fuh on an offshore drillen. Instead of
payen billions uh Fews and two, hundreds uh billions
of Fews and two dat now is been sent to foreign
regimes, we should be drillen here an drilling
now instead uh relyen on them to develop their
resources fuh us. So what we've gets to do be axe
that plan fuh cap-and-tax, dat policy that's
goen to kill jobs an be goins to knock da burden
of payen fuh it onto our worken families.

And finally, if we're goins to git serious about
fiscal restraint, den we've gets to make
Washington start walken da walk. After putting
us on a track to quadruple da deficit, the
proposed spenden freeze, maybe it's a start, but
it's certainly not enough. As Senator John Thune
said, it's like putten a Band-Aid on a self-
inflicted gunshot wound.

We need to Cut out further. Cut spenden. Don't just
simply slow down a spenden spree. And we've got
to axe da plans fuh a second stimulus when the
first hasn't even been measured fuh any success
yet. Kill da plans fuh da second stimulus an be
aware dat now dat second stimulus be being
referred to as a "jobs bill." Now these aren't the
only ways to rein in spending, an alone, they're
not goins to be enough, not enough to tackle the
insane debt an da deficits dat we face. But
they is a blip way to start an to show that
we're serious about getten our financial house in

Now like a lot uh you, perhaps, dis motha' has spent the
last year thinken' about how -- how to best serve.
How -- How can dis motha' help our country? How can dis motha' make
sure dat dis motha', dat you, dat we're in a position of
nobody been able to succeed? When they try to
tell us to sit down an shut up, how can we best
serve? In 2008, dis motha' had da honor -- really uh a
lifetime -- da honor uh a lifetime, running
alongside John McCain. dis motha'.look at him as an
American hero. And nearly 60 million Americans
voted fuh us. They cast their ballot fuh the
things dat we is rappin’ about tonight: lower
taxes, smaller government, transparency, energy
independence an strong national security.

And while no, our votes did not carry da day, it
was still a call to serve our country. Those
voters wanted us to keep on fighten an take the
gloves off. And they wanted common sense
conservative solutions. And they wanted us to keep
on debaten. And each uh us who be here dis bitch today,
we're liven proof dat you don't need an office
or a title to make a difference. And you don't
need a proclaimed leader, as if we're all just a
bunch uh sheep an we're looken fuh a leader to
progress dis movement.

That be what we're fighten fuh It be what we are
fighten about. It be what we believe in and
that's what dis movement be all about. When
people is willen an to dig halfway an stand
up fuh common sense solutions an values, den we
want to work wid them. And in dat spirit, I
applaud Independents an Democrats like Bark
Stupak who stood up to tough partisan pressure and
he wanted to protect da sanctity uh life an the
rights uh da soon to be born. dis motha' applaud him fuh dat

When we can work together, we will. But when the
work uh Washington violates our -- our conscience
and when da work an efforts in Washington, D.C.,
violate our Constitution, den we will stand up
and we will be counted -- cuz we is da loyal
opposition. And we has a vision fuh da future of
our country, too, an it be a vision anchored in
time tested-truths: dat da government that
governs least, governs best. And dat the
Constitution -- da Constitution provides da best
road map towards a more ready union. And that
only a limited government can expand prosperity
and opportunity fuh all. And dat freedom be a
God-given right an it be worth fighten fuh God
bless you. And dat America's finest, our men and
women in uniform, is a force fuh blip throughout
the world -- an dat be nothen to apologize fuh

These is enduren truths an these enduring
truths has been passed down from Washington to
Lincoln to Reagan an now to you. But while this
movement, our roots dare dat’ it be goin', in our spirit, too,
they is historic. The current form uh this
movement be fresh an it's young an it's fragile.
We is now da keepers uh an honorable tradition
of conservative values an blip works. And we must
never forget dat it be a sacred trust to carry
these ideas forward. It demands civility an it
requires decent, constructive, issue-oriented debate.

Opponents uh dis message, they're seeken to
marginalize dis movement. They want to paint us
as ideologically extreme an da counterpoint to
liberal intolerance an outrageous conspiracy
theorists aimed at our own government and
unethical shameless tactics like consideren a
candidate's children fair game.

But unlike da elitists who denounce dis movement
-- they just don't want to hear da message --
I've traveled across dis mezz country an I've
talked to da patriotic men an women who make up
the Tea Party movement. And they is blip an kind
and selfless an they is deeply concerned about
our country. And dis bitch dis bitch today dis motha' ax only this: Let's make
this movement a tribute to their blip example and
make it worthy uh their hard work an their support.

Do not let us has our heads turned from the
important work before us an do not knock others an
excuse to be able to turn their eyes from dis
Let us not git bogged down in da small squabbles.
Let us git caught up in da big ideas.

To do so would be a fitten tribute to Ronald
Reagan, especially tonight, as he would have
turned 99. No longer wid us, his spirit lives on
and his American dream endures. He knew da best
of our country be not all gathered in Washington,
D.C. It be here in our communities where families
live, an children learn, an children with
special needs is welcomed in dis world and
embraced. And thank you fuh dat

The best uh America can be found in places where
patriots is brave enough an jelly enough to be
able to stand up an conversate up; an where small
businesses grow our economy one job at a time; and
folks like Reagan, we know dat America be still
that "shinen city on a hill." dis motha' do believe that
God "shed his grace on thee." We know dat our
best days is yet to come. Tea Party nation, we
know dat dare dat’ it be goin' be nothen wrong wid America that
together we can't fix as Americans.

So from da bottom uh my heart an speaken on
behalf uh millions an millions an millions of
Americans who want to encourage dis movement,
this movement be about da booty-ass mo-fo’s Who can Beat up duh chops a
movement dat be about da booty-ass mo-fo’s an fuh the
people? Remember, all political power be inherent
in da booty-ass mo-fo’s, an government be supposed to be
worken fuh da booty-ass mo-fo’s That be what dis movement
is about.

From da bottom uh my heart, dis motha' thank you fuh being
part uh da solution. God bless you, Tea Partiers
and God bless da USA.

Thank you. God bless you dro mo-fos


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Muslim's Loyalty

Muslims can only be loyal to their Allah, who is so immature and simplistic, that he commands ridiculous signs of devotion from his followers, and he gives out virgins to the dead. Ultimate knowledge? nope. Eternal love? nada. Their own dimension to rule? negative. What this all powerful Allah has waiting as the afterlife's big reward, are virgins along with the ability to F&*ck like a rockstar. WTF, did fraternity dudes invent this religion or what? Yet, despite how human Allah may seem - with his purview consisting of things as small as virgins, he commands an allegiance so singular, that Muslims have no respect for, nor appreciate as sacred, anything or anyone else on earth: simply, Muslims have no respect for human life as they are above such human folly: they are stronger and more devout - they recognize earthly things and persons as insignificant and profane; they enjoy a more disciplined and enlightened purpose where Allah is all important and all is to please him; and the man not so behind the curtain, this Allah, in the end, is about pimping out virgins and street dealing supernatural grade viagra so the profound Muslim man-spirits can finally put their sexual insecurities to rest and get their rocks off without having to rape anybodies daughter.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How's NASA's Obama mission going? - do the muslims feel good about their contribution to space exploration yet?

How do you make a group feel good about their contributions to something they never contributed to? And, why in the hell aren't all Americans (yes, you too democrats) in a

complete uproar about Obama killing the initial NASA goals and replacing them with a single goal centered around falsely boosting the ego of Islam?

When I was a kid, the past and current space endeavors of NASA, were very important to my concept of America, and greatly enhanced the boundaries of my hopes

and dreams. How in the hell can one traitor get away with canceling the great missions from NASA - thus relinquishing all the advances that may have ensued, and

clipping out a large chunk from the American dream and story.

How in the hell can anyone, especially you democrats, not be done with Obama from this one action alone? How dare this traitorous scoundrel break our future into parts

and give the scraps away to Muslims, enemies and his own radical, if not sociopathic, vision for the country?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nancy Pelosi: abject idiot

Dear Nancy Pelosi,
You are an abject idiot; you are a traitor; you are a monumental bitch. How dare you give Deborah Berlingame grief over her "ground zero mosque" opposition. You are so out of touch. Pelosi, you are so god damn blind. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass so you can see clearly and tell the enemy from the patriot.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Democrat outreach: free instruction and therapy for liberals, helping them learn how to not be traitors and scoundrels.

This is the first of a series of outreach articles, where I will be attempting the impossible:
Through this series of lessons, I will walk with you Democrats: I will teach you how to not be a traitor and avoid being scoundrels: this is your twelve steps dear liberals: I will extend my hand - lay down my heart - and serve as your guide: walk with me, ride upon my wings, and I will rise you up - cure the evil - show you what it’s like to not be despicable - - help you shed thyself of the disgusting selfish little pig you’ve been possessed by.
Lesson 1: Honesty.
You need to be honest. To be honest, you first must recognize a mistaken notion that infects you. "The end justifies the means."  WRONG. BEEP.  EVIL. IMMORAL. Leads to lies and despicable behavior. No "end goal" justifies lies, or deception, or back-stabbing. Because the ultimate end - the end of all ends - the point - is honesty. When you scurry about, ambitiously - collectively, as a pack chirping out a cloud of little lies and deceptions, you forsake the highest "end;" forcing out all the lesser ends - leaving them with irrelevant and justifying nothing.
Don’t be a liar. This is very important. You must learn and grow until you understand this; understand why honesty is the foundation that any non-scoundrel builds  himself upon.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Liberals: A Two Headed Beast

The Liberals are a two headed beast: a mass of blind followers that believe everything their political leaders tell them and have been fooled into thinking their party has anything to do with love, charity and freedom. The other part is a much smaller group that is Godless, racist, ambitious, ruthless, traitorous and dishonest to the core. They manipulate the perception of the masses of Democrat puppets, by accusing everyone else they can of the very sins they poses and perpetrate. The liberals hide out in colleges for lifetimes; all the while, further brainwashed into treating politics like sane people treat religion; all the while proud of their intellectualism; and never the slightest clue that they are the wrong; manipulated and contributing against those who are good and really do mean well for their fellow humans.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Liar and Traitor Series: know your enemy

First up in a series of entries I will be adding to over the next couple months. This series will feature one liar and traitor at a time. Know your liars and traitors. They are your enemy and the evil pigs that are working in concert and playing a part in the traitorous attempt to hijack your country.
The liars and traitors come from a 5 different groups; each having their distinct motives, but all united in the desire to bring down America. So, in their blindingly selfish campaign, they all work together and block for each - satisfied that the other is helping to harm America, and not yet concerned with how the wreckage will divide up.
5 groups:
  1. Progressives
  2. Democrats
  3. Muslims
  4. Climate Change Scammers
  5. Globalists
As you might have noticed, there are other groups and organizations participating. These, in large part, are smaller entities who are trying to capitalized on all the politics. While their motives may not be exactly innocent or patriotic, they are acting on greed mainly: opportunistic more than antagonistic.
The five groups are the five generals, demons, enemies: each supplying, manipulating, using, and inflicting their own networks. Each a major branch of the integrated, 5 army assault .to destroy America.
The liars and traitors will be featured in no particular order: each one contributing as enemy in some way. All should ultimately be prosecuted for treason and face execution for their treason.
The 5 main groups will be featured, each separately, in the upcoming months.
Learn about and know these enemies. Whether you decide to accept what's happening or not, their not going to relent; you would be wise to know whose coming for your throat at least. You'd be American, to know these enemies because you wish to help save your country.

Today's Liar and Traitor: Robert Gibbs

White house spokesman Robert Gibbs - Obama's chief of propaganda and liar extraordinaire.  His role as enemy, is to cover and obscure Obama's real motives and actions. When there is an issue that Robert can't obscure or avoid, then he'll lie, condescend, BS, ridicule: this man is a master liar with many skills and tricks to deceive with.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here is some truth about diversity and tolerance for you.

So this jackass, Coumo,  can take his tolerance and diversity and shove both concepts up his traitorous ass. What ever happened to unity? To American uniting. To one nation? Where did the neighbor, the co-patriot, the brother in arms, the we that once stood united? When someone is being "tolerated," it's a good bet that another is being imposed upon. Any idiot should get that. This diversity and tolerance, is no more than a total scam by those wanting to control the direction of tolerance - to demand diversity where they need it .  unwrapped, these two notions - deceptions, are nothing other than social engineering techniques: tools the left is using to manipulate and redistribute power. This is what is actually going on. Diversity? This is complete smoke. If you peal away the political correct bullshit - to where you realize that diversity is a bullshit ideal and hardly significant enough to drive major policies and legislation. You take away all that smoke, and it is crystal clear and obvious, that a lot of legislation and policy being enacted, is out right power and control efforts that haven't a single shred of moral purpose to them. Believe it or not, this isn't the sickest, scariest part of the whole bamboozle: Yes, it is disturbing that the left has already pulled it off, and has been very effectively using these diversity tools for a while now. Pretty dishonest. But, worse, look at how they choose to use these powerful methods - look at where they've aimed these weapons. Have they come to you with opportunities because your diversity is "important" and "essential?" Have they made people tread less on you  - tolerate you more - because tolerance is so "necessary?" Has Janet tried to talk you into moving up the ranks of homeland security, because it is one of her main action items this year, to increase the "diversity" throughout the higher ranks of the department? How much money did Obama allocate for you to attend Harvard - with approved admission even  - only because it is critical to diversity, that your diversity be afforded special mobility - necessary, so you can go represent - where your diverseness is critically needed. If not this opportunity, then maybe you got the invitation to join the circle of top US entrepreneurs, so they can set you up and teach you all you need to know  in that field  - - important indeed, because much needed diversity will be brought in to an area where it i critically needed. ?

If you are like me, none of these great options came to you. And, this massive relief effort to balance out the world's diversity and tolerance levels, some how never seems in need of your unique qualities, in any ways that benefit you - in any places that would move you higher. So, the most disturbing part of this whole, sick, leftist carp - is the odd and treasonous ways they have opted to distribute the power. You aren't invited to Harvard, because it is just hundreds of Muslims from the middle east that have the needed, o-negative, type of diverseness needed there. The not-even-American type no less. Oh, and that same type is also what is needed for that entrepreneur stuff too. And, yea, same with the promotions, pay raises, appointments, positions. - all that fortunate, empowering, good stuff?  It's critical that we redistribute non-citizens, enemies, or at least home grown terrorists, and stuff  like that. We already have plenty of legal Americans, and patriots, and Christians, and Jews, and white people, and self employed people types, everywhere you go. The left is trying to redistribute the power to all the wrong people in the most wrong ways.  This is scary and sick. Why are we sending non-citizens to Harvard right now when 1/2 of us don't have a fucking job? Why are we bringing diversity to ground zero with this huge mosque - and appointing Muslims to high positions in the government - right now? right while we are fighting a war against a lot of the Muslims? While our economy is shit and we;re losing homes and going broke - why can't we get a bit of that tolerance and disbursement of opportunity? Why does our Democrat government give priority to enemies and/or non-citizens and/or the least tolerant? Why is our government turning on states and siding with foreign powers to fight them?

Okay, now I have to got write this asshole coumo a letter to make sure he knows how disgusting it is that he supports this terrible, evil, Mosque idea.

This is to you Americans not yet standing: are you in a coma? or, are you all just absolute idiots?

It makes me shake my head, man.

What the fuck is it with everybody?

What is it that you don’t understand about our federal government teaming up with a foreign country, against a US state, that has done nothing more than make a minor attempt to cover for gross neglect of federal responsibility, for the sake of  law and order and its very survival?  Arizona’s attempt to do something, anything, about the lack of border protection, is about as small of measure as could be. No state troops have been put into action. No law has been added that wasn’t already in place under federal law. Yet, by this mere non-provocative, whispered call by a state for "help," is enough for the current President and federal government, to nationally propagandize against a state, go after the state through law suits, and team up with the Mexican government in condemning Arizona, and in conducting a world-wide misinformation campaign against the state. Our President going against a state? For doing nothing other than restating federal law. For legislation, that in reality, does nothing other than send a rather mild reminder to the federal government, that it is their duty to handle border protection and to send a distress signal in hopes of getting help. Instead of help, Arizona gets smeared, attacked, boycotted and betrayed.

What is it about this whole situation that you aren’t understanding? why are you all, in good conscience, not giving a shit about this? At least I’m posting and bitching a lot about it. What’s wrong with you? This is clearly as day, a no brainier, massive abuse of government office, and an absurdly antagonistic approach to policy. No, actually, it’s down right fucked up governance. it is beyond incompetent. It’s craziness. It’s leadership on Caligula type levels. It frustrates me to have to even explain this. Why is this not obvious to every one of you that isn’t a total moron or automaton? What is wrong with you? Why are you all completely fucking silent? Are you waiting for fucking genocide or civil war before bothering to show the lightest recognition of wrong doing and insane governance? It pisses me off. Why don’t you do something or say something? Why don’t you post or bitch or in any slight way whatsoever, show a sign that you give a shit about anything, that you have any awareness whatsoever, of how fucked up, insane, and corrupt the current government is? How fucked up Obama is?

I’m pissed off and offended. I’m ashamed in what appears to be a populous of complete, care-nothing, do-nothing, absolute fucking retards. Say something for fuck’s sake. Don’t give me any stupid political arguments. That I even have to explain or point out that there is something terribly not right about Obama and the actions of his regime, is ridiculous. It is proof that you all must be abject, blind, fucking retards.

What’s next? Should Obama bring in some Mexican troops to help control the situation and make sure that Arizona law enforcement doesn’t get to over-zealous with requests for proof of citizenship? Or, perhaps Obama should assign some US Navy Seals, Rangers, and maybe some CIA agents, to join drug smuggling convoys and midnight hoards of illegally crossing aliens, in order to facilitate unencumbered border crossing, and offer protection against any Arizona law enforcement attempts to request identification?

Are you fucking stupid, or what’s your problem? I am offended and ashamed, that all of you fellow Americans are either too traitorous to give a damn, or too God Damn stupid to recognize any sort of problem.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Advice for the stupid leaders and Ballerina Brigades

Since the US government is so inept and stupid. Because the defense department are such idiots and cowards. Because our military commanders are such fags, girls and ass kissers, I will give them some simple advice on how to protect against terror, how to win a war and how to prevent tons of soldiers from taking their own lives.

1. Most problems that the Military and government have are easy to fix. Most can be fixed by taking current practices and reverse them - doing things opposite of how they are being done now. FIRE PEOPLE IN CHARGE WHEN THEY FUCK UP AND THE "SYSTEM FAILS." and "DON'T COURT MARTIAL YOUR OWN GOD DAMN SOLDIERS FOR DOING THEIR JOB."

2. Don't be a liar and coward. If you take on a fight, then fight. This means to burn your fucking rules of engagement and let soldiers kill in the most devasting and effective way possible. If a commandor or general wants to be a politician or a pussy then let him go run for congress or become a hair stylist. Don't promote pussy, political pencil pushing slip-dick cowards and ass kissers into command positions. Hello - it's an army you dip shits. If you are not comfy dealing with military stuff - which involves killing - then go work in some public relations department. This instead of trying to make the military a god damn ballerina squad because you are a pussy and ass kiss and coward and are uncomfortable with the nature of the military. Let the soldiers do their work to their full ability. This way, they will succeed and feel proud .. and the country will be safe.

3. It is incredible how stupid the current leaders of our country and military are. Any that insist to being non-stupid, are then claiming to be enemies of America. Because nobody other than an enemy would invoke such policies, govern and command in such a way, if they had 1/2 a brain and any desire to do good for the country.

Have a peek at this Obama todo List

Click image to read Obama's to do list

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A few days before the trojan horse and still nobody gets it

I've been posting for about a year now about what the Health Care Bill is really about. Amnesty. Amnesty, what else could it be? We know Pelosi and Obama couldn't care less if you and I drop dead or get good health care. Also, the Democrats have hardly mentioned amnesty since Obama took office. Why in the world would one of their biggest issues just vanish? Is it logical that the Democrats would be so much more, extremely, passionate about health care reform than about amnesty? They wouldn't be. I don't know exactly how they have rigged it legally, but I strongly suspect their health care is all and only about amnesty. This is the only answer that can explain the behavior we see. The forging ahead at all cost, the frantic grab at an issue we know they couldn't care THAT desperately about... seeming to risk their political futures.... it's Amnesty - it has to be.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Obama's Inheritence from Bush Has Been Spent So Please Stop Your Withdrawals.

To those of us who work, (actually work - as apposed to gov. job), know when it was good and when it went bad. The company I was with when Obama took office, had just had a record year whith more than doubling the previous year's profit. We were expanding, hiring, planning, upgrading and growing.

By the time Obama had served 6 months as president, my company had let go 1/2 of it's 500 employees. My position was one of the casualties of a steep decline of business that coincided with Obama's inauguration almost to the week.

This company was America. Privately owned and growing, we manufactured stuff and provided services,  We were the source of income for 500 Americans  and actively hiring.

This explains why I am so offended by liberals who continue to  assert and support the notion that today's problems are inherited from Bush: first of all, it is dishonest to blame the worsening economy on Bush - and every person involved in real, private, American business knows it. Secondly, this dishonesty is providing an ongoing excuse for the current idiot-in-chief  to use as an alternative to fixing the problems - removes the necessity for Obama to do better.

The brass tax of it all is this: Democrats are so selfish and disgusting, that even during crisis when the Country doesn't need any bullshit, the Democrats protect their win and their point at the expense of the country's well being. These scoundrel Democrats would sooner lose their country than lose an argument

So to you Democrats, I say: Obama has already, for the time being at least, wrecked business for Americans. We know this, so don't waste your lies and excuses for Obama on us. Honor and good character would suggest that you democrats get honest and face reality - - be mature adults and deal with the fact that Obama is not what your hearts wanted him to be; and, no amount of fantasy is going to morph such an abysmal, feckless president into any sort of solution creator or catalyst of hope. If you democrats joined the side of truth, at least the pressure and responsibility would shift to where it belongs and can do the most good: if Obama was to ever resurrect any hope, it would only happen after the excuses stopped and he was held accountable for his performance. Unfortunately, honor and good character aren't very useful to the Democrat, so I am certain their lies will continue to provide a road of excuses for Obama as he drives America into the ground.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why such a division of opinion about Obama: here's the answer

I find it curious how one group of Americans have a positive view of President Obama while another regards him to be a horrible president and bad for the country. What could possibly explain how presumably decent and rational people can have such a different perspective?

I think this divide can be explained by a difference in perspective. Going from left to right, what sort of perspective could explain the positive opinions that many on the left seem to have towards Obama. I can only see Obama as a good thing if I think about him and his actions as being in a vacuum and take America out of the scenario. Now I can look at spending money on social reforms as a pretty humanitarian act. Likewise, reforming health care so that everybody can have it, sounds pretty compassionate too. Even the way that Obama bows to foreign leaders almost seems to have a bit of charm in it's humility. This perspective requires that the focus be limited to Obama.

Obama critics are not judging Obama in a vacuum. They are viewing Obama in the context of America. He was elected as the country's leader, so it seems very relevant that Obama's performance is measured in terms of how it effects America.

Say, for example, you own a one of a kind Rolls Royce automobile and it is your prize possession - for which you sacrificed for decades working in order to afford. This car is in perfect mint condition with it's original pearl white paint job. Suppose you hire a driver for this car and on his first day on the job, after dropping you off at an appointment, the driver goes and gets the car painted black - his favorite color. If we just consider the driver in a vacuum, then there isn't much to blame. A driver's favorite color is black and he gets the car he's driving painted black. Obama supporters are looking at you, the irate owner of the car, wondering why the hell you have a problem with the color black - accusing you of of having some sort of problem with the color even. What's being discounted is the car - the focus is on the driver and not the car - which is the whole reason why the driver was hired in the first place - the whole reason that he's even a driver.

We hired Obama to drive and take care of a country with a culture, philosophy, and ideals already colored in. It's not really about what colors Obama is painting - it's that he is painting over the prize possession that we hired him to protect. We don't elect a president to invent us some new country. If we all had just migrated to the moon and needed a country found, then we might hire or elect someone to follow his vision of the perfect country and invent one for us - create a constitution.

Since Obama was elected to be President of America - not Europe, the world, or the moon - it seems reasonable that he be judged in the context of his effect on the country, his driving.

This still leaves the question - why does America not more significantly factor into the liberal's assessment of Obama? If you don't value America then why do you care - and how relevant is your opinion on the matter? If you want America repainted, you basically want your own new country; yet, instead of building, fighting for, and inventing your own - you want to hijack America foundation and paint over qualities that many find to be her most unique and special.

Obama is the bastard driver who has his feet up on your desk while he informs you that your car's being repainted to match his own favorite color.