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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dear Rachel Maddow of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

Dear +Rachel Maddow , you seem to be an intelligent person, and certainly the most likable and well meaning of the MSNBC crew. (competition not so tough). So there is something that stands out as incongruous about you; you leave out information relating to left based dishonesty; giving a pass to monumental degrees of hypocrisy existing on the left, you take most every opportunity, to craft 1/2 of the story, cherry picked information, in a way that seemingly wins the point with logic, that curiously deals a win to your side every time. Your delivery is fantastic, in this "I"m just a victim to the facts" sort of way. Yes Rachel, such a slave to the facts and the truth, that your conclusions favor the will and perspective of your progressives, 100% of the time? It's like playing Monopoly against yourself and winning every time - not very impressive. I don't know why you are so passionately participating in this deceit - and as part of the progressive's mass manipulation of contemporary perception., but I do believe you are a person that wants to be honest. I think with you, there's going to come a point where the preconditioning, or whatever it is, wears off and you realize where the truth is and why it's important. Being such a conscientious person, I suspect it will hit you pretty hard. Don't be too hard on yourself - you can undo some of the damage. Any honesty from you might help to blanket the vast, smoldering patches of reality distortion, you put out there during these less enlightened years. Good luck