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Friday, September 21, 2012

Taxation, Redistribution, Random Luck and Free Will

I think the Democrat tax and redistribution argument takes for granted some facts of nature.

I hear Democrats talk as if there was some deliberate handing out of jobs, salaries and bank accounts at the beginning, leaving some of us more favored by this distribution process and others unfairly, arbitrarily, dealt worse hands. If this were the case, of course it would only be fair to evenly redistribute the handouts and give everyone an equal portion. *But, obviously, this premiss is not reality.

Nobody is controlling nor can control random luck or spontaneous bad fortune. No government and no policy is going to equalize the random luck factor. So, taking luck out of the debate - as it cannot be changed, what's left?

What's left is a man's evidence, his container for the precipitate sum of his free will exercised throughout his life. There are other ways account for free will, like creating art, collecting friends or popularity.... perhaps gaining some titles or reaching certain office... yet income and wealth is our society's primary means of gauging the effectiveness of our decisions and verifying that freedom and free will mean anything... affect anything.

By redistributing peoples wealth, a symbol that is individual to their actions and good fortune, you remove the power, specialness, and transcendent nature of the individual spirit. And, ironically, you end up removing the one element of equality that every man can own.

It's not that redistributing everybody's money to everyone equally just threatens our freedom to live, it renders freedom irrelevant.