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Monday, October 29, 2012

You DEMOCRATs are the Nazi of the day and Obama is your HITLER.

I'm watching a film of the Third Reich's 1934 Nuremberg Party Rally. I feel like I'm watching Obama speak to a massive crowd of you blind, screaming, adoring, idiots. The similarities are spooky.

They too are celebrating socialism and rallying, irrationally, around a bad man. They too are speaking of all the people being put to work on "roads," and "bridges" and massive-group, workers initiatives. Hitler too is spouting off about every-German-man's equal opportunity and liberty - - while, the common man's glory and opportunity he speaks of, is not grander than glorified labor, performed anonymously within a mass of other happy slaves, "equally and with a fare shot," doing the bidding of elitist, government controllers, enjoying a far different reality. Yes, you must face the fact that you are a traitor, a wrong doer, and an idiot. All of you still supporting this dangerous, dishonest Obama regime, will never live down another Obama vote. I will forever, upon meeting anyone who voted yet the second time for this swine, think them an utter disgrace.