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Friday, November 19, 2010

They won, we lost. Thank you. Really, thank you so much.

Yes. Thank you Democrats. Thanks for the ridiculous rules of engagement that tie down our soldiers. Thank you for your dishonest, stupid political correctness: so stupid are you with this, you actually might allow the enemy an exemption from the invasive screening procedures. You stupid liberals. We know the profile of the enemy. It never varies. And you liberals are so stupid, you go to ridiculous lengths to pretend like the enemy could be any of us - all so you don't offend this enemy. Are you a child? Could you not have acted like a brave adult - with honesty and resolve? This hasn't been a game you stupid liberals: this has been a real conflict. A conflict that we have lost with devastating consequences, all because you Democrats have been playing games - and worried mainly about political victory over people of you own country. We lost. They win. We are broke and felt up at the airport. It is your fault. Fuck you Democrats, progressives and anyone who votes for them, and anyone who plays into the political correctness that brought us down - as devastating as an atom bomb : the liberals voluntarily delivered this bomb themselves, throughout and into the heart of the country.