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Sunday, November 21, 2010

But actually the constitution has nothing to do with God....

Freedom of our kind only works when it is recognized that our core rights are inalienable, provided by God, and can only be changed or revoked by God. If you take God out of the constitution, then you are left with rights that were established by men. Rights that are bestowed upon us by mere men, can be taken away or adjusted by men. And, wouldn't you know, that's exactly what the Godless radical left feels entitled to attempt to do. God is the core of the contract. You wan to take away the rights of an individual, then go talk to God about it. Until you have God's permission to become a King, or dictator, or Czar, or elitist left wing bastard wanting to decide what's good for everyone else, - until you have God's permission, keep your damn hands and leftist politics away from my individual rights. Come after them without permission from God, you will eat bullets before getting away with them.

By & large the Republican party hates anything that has to do with the "public."

That's right; because, we are not "the public," or "the masses," or, "the subject." This is America, and we are God Damn individuals. you want to be governed on mass? you want global solutions and social engineering in herds? you don't value individuality? you want homogenized thought? Then get the f#$ck out before we throw you out.

Are the righties bullies because they rely on misinformation and cant back up their views. Are they ignorant rednecks?

It's about America. We live in America - created to provide and protect freedom. This isn't England. This isn't Russia. This isn't Venezuela. This isn't Norway. If you leftist bastards want to relocate to any of these places, I'll help you pack your bags. As long as you have an ideology at odds with America, and worship politics instead of God, and constantly maneuver in attempts to change manipulate the rules and change America into another place, us "righties" will be pissed off and do all we can to stop you and expose your disgusting, un-American ideologies.

It's not bullying when the bullied stand up and give the bully the sock in the face he deserves. STOP it already. STOP the constant political wrangling to game the system, change the laws, and distort American culture. Stop or get out! Or, prepare for much worse than mere bullying. Get your hands off our constitution and stop harming the country, you despicable, traitorous, blind, foolish, selfish, elitist bastard leftists - or, you are going to wish us "righties" were mere bullies.

Did you know that one of Obama's Czars was responsible for giving Russia our Nuclear bomb technology?

John Holdren - White House Science Czar appointed by Obama and a very dangerous SOB. Believes in population reduction, global warming, global re-distribution of wealth, and one world government. Holden is against nukes, capitalism, freedom and all apposing views. John Holdren should already have been executed as a traitor for giving the Soviet Union US nuclear secrets that allowed them to build their first atomic bomb. This bastard traitor is an enemy to America and a very serious threat to the country's well being. Put him real near the top of your list.


When are you going to listen? Obama and his people do not have America's interest at heart.

When will you join in and make a stand to get rid of this rogue president?

Wake up. Listen. Open your eyes. Don't take your freedom for granted. Save your country.

What we want

We want the communist liberals out of control. Every time you turn your back, and every time you don't, these evil, traitorous freaks are trying to pass new legislation that puts more controls upon the individual and increases the power of the government. You heard that ass hat Jay Rockefeller say it straight up - he wants independent news and opinion to be outlawed because it, "Impedes and gets in the way" of the leftist agenda and let's people know what's their doing with our country. The Tea Parties need to get these dangerous, leftist, traitors out of office and make sure they never have access to legislation or decision making power again.

It isn't yours to hijack and reshape.