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Friday, June 15, 2012


We are witness to one of history's most underhanded, one of the Country's most subversive, and one of mankind's most dishonest; proudly serving us the most profound, deliberate ineptitude, Obama is the singular curse of the Century.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dear Traitor Bill Press

How dare you. Get the fuck out of America if you don't like it; very unlikely that you'd be missed. I hope someone beats you close to death and puts your smug ass on a plane to some Islamic country. Just when I thought I'd seen how bereft of character a leftist can be, here comes you .. haplessly shattering all boundaries of low. And as you say such things about America's flag and song, you have the audacity to support the Fairness doctrine? You enjoy the liberty to shit all over the country, revel in it even, ... and what? you just feel it would be more convenient if we could just kind of silence or mute all the other voices; poor traitor Bill, such distractions they must be for you. Incredible. It really must take a particularly profound lack of character and awareness, for one to happen upon such a height of hypocrisy, unintentionally. Bill, you are a hypocrite, a liar, a traitor, and a coward. You epitomize the four worst qualities a person could possibly posses. Your parents must have been so proud. Disgusted and Wishing for everything bad upon you, Dirk

How can the radical left ideas be iradicated?

Indeed. And this goes on today with the progressive left and their "Political Correctness." .. Just a control upon our opinions and behavior. Political correctness no more than the latest strategy to control people. Don't be a sheep liberals. Don't let the progressive leaders continue to control and manipulate you. To speak for you. Break out of the group-think, hive-mind threatening us all. As is repeated over and over, never ending, throughout history and the future, the leftist evil forces of the universe are attempting to control. The strategy this time around is Political Correctness, "Green," and Climate change. Don't let this evilness go on too long, or it will end in millions dying like it always does when the evil left wins.