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Sunday, May 6, 2012

My List of some things Ass-backwards

  • Government agency employees seem to be some of the least competent.
  • Government employees now make more than their free market counterparts.
  • Government bureaucrats are more isolated and held less accountable than private business management.
  • People accept that they must pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for car repairs while they expect to pay a 10 or 20 dollar co-pay for medical treatment and argue over 5 or 10 dollar copay discrepancy in their pharmaceutical charge.
  • A professional athlete is compensated hundreds of millions,  as much as 1000 school teachers.
  • Professional basketball player Kobe Bryant gets paid $237,000 per basketball game. Surgeons get paid as low as a few hundred per surgical procedure and often get paid zero when an uninsured (and undocumented) person needs the procedure.
  • In most States, the US citizen will incur ridiculously large fines for not having proof of insurance or registration with them when stopped by a traffic officer, meanwhile, a non-citizen who has zero documentation let alone auto-related documents, pays  nothing.
  • Universities charge 50 to 100k per year and pay six figure salaries to professors that teach a few hours a week. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical drugs are regulated to death and near impossible to bring to market because of the cost to develop a drug product and get it through all the regulation.
  • Many will accuse a person of being a bigot if they are opposed to things like the ground zero Mosque, yet, few of these same people protest and complain about others being prevented from, or even killed for, practicing their non-Muslim religion.