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Monday, August 22, 2011

Big rant on Democrats: from Libya, to Egypt, to amoral, self-serving dishonesty.

Oh there's no doubt that they, the Libyan "freedom fighters," will Muzzy on up. And, by the way, those Naive little liberal enablers, are such puppets for muzzies! - It was obvious that Egypt was undergoing an Islamic radicalization process in disguise. And sure enough, what's being seen now, is that it's going to be even worse than the bad case scenario. The fucking pig animal ugly muzzy Egyptians don't feel even the Muslim Brotherhood is extreme enough for them. A non Muslim state isn't even relevant anymore. Now the ugly, evil, pig, Egyptians are just chimping out about whether Egypt gets to be an extreme Sharia, or super extreme, terrorist, Muslim state.

See why I fucking loath your God damn Democrats in America? you see? you are so stupid that you are very harmful to the country. just by being Democrat like, you are a cancer upon this this country. And, if that's not enough to make one curse your mother, and hate your fucking guts, you have the god damn temerity to swagger around pointing out how ignorant and unsophisticated others are. You mother fucker. How in the world can you get away with turning reality ass backwards while pinning your despicable behavior and idiotic, amoral, beliefs onto others? Fuck, why cant you just be killed. Why must we suffer you and then also suffer being accused of your worst indignities?

And nobody holds you left bastards responsible to explain yourself, when you end up so mistaken after so confidently preventing everyone else from coming to the correct conclusion. Who's going to call these fucking Democrats out and make them eat fucking crow for being played like cheap whores, by the pimping, Muslim Egyptians that used them to keep concerned people like us at bay. Every non-Democrat I heard was commenting non-stop, about how the Egypt revolution might not be a positive thing - and, that we knew way too little about the the "freedom fighters" to be supporting them and paving a path for them. But, none of these people were standing off Democrats. Nobody was insisting any Democrats answer to these concerns. You know why? Because we are so used to the fucking Democrats blocking our attempts to counter their misconceptions, or even preventing us from taking real measures to protect our country and to do the right thing, that Democrats now can expect almost no resistance to the reality they locked in to, no matter how wrong others may know it to be.

That's fucked up and wrong. But, what makes it evil, is the dishonest tweaking of people's perceptions and distortion of truth. The amoral manipulating that automatically kicks in, as the Democrats go all in to win every argument, and ideological pissing contest.

Everyone. A good, descent person will aim to find the true and/or moral resolution to issues and debates. The Democrat aims to have his way win - or, the decided goal win - or, their first notion to win so they don't have to admit wrong. Complete amorality. Without a higher rule to shape morality, you have a fucking Democrat. Absent of moral absolutes, the pursuit of truth and the right, is replaced with the pursuit of pride and winning.

Look at Nifong the Duke Lacrosse prosecutor. A perfect case study of the Democrat and his nature. Nifong, a Democrat, was never to be wrong, so the more wrong it got, the more blatantly he blocked out any reality that might contradict his initial, and foolish, posturing. So incredible was this display of a Democrat being self-serving and only concerned with winning, that Nifong allowed himself to ignore the extremely obvious, and drive his own life into ruin, merely to avoid loosing and admitting wrong. Did he want his life destroyed? Did he decide it was worth trading his life for his ride? I doubt it. I think that in Democrat mode, one is so extremly self-serving, that blocking out reality is necessary for self preservation.

Look at Harry Reid, who's winning of political pissing matches was so important to him, that losing a war, imprisoning our soldiers, and emboldening our enemies, were effortless casualties for Harry to bring on, in the service of winning his political fight.

Look at Napolitano, who so worships her PC ideals, and so proud of how difficult it is for others to make her budge, that within her cocoon of PC bureaucracy, make thyself feel good play land, she pursues her one track agendas; agendas that have nothing to do with securing a country. In Janet's world, bureaucracies are built, for the purpose of managing themselves. Janet builds impressive bureaucracies, that grow, improve, and have no functions other than those related to managing the bureaucracy. What steps is Janet taking that relate to any of the many serious security issues, concerns and realities unfolding everywhere? The Homeland Security agency, in Janet's world, is about managing the Homeland Security Agency - - not about managing the god damn homeland security. She's got minorities moving up to proper ranks; she's got compensation models, yearly raise strategies, PC processes, communication methods; Janet's putting intelligent rules and regulations in place to boost the efficiency of the process of managing the agency. This is why Obama was so stupid to choose her for the position. Clearly Janet is a smart person. I don't doubt that she's a very passionate bureaucrat; all this, along with her deep seeded, over-riding, master goal to humble the white man, by obnoxiously fixating upon minority empowerment, is all great substance for Janet to delight in, while constructing the most impressive bureaucratic structures; unfortunately, the country's security only relates to the game Janet is playing, in that it's a justification to grow and manage a beurocracy.

Just like the way Democrats force colleges to accept people that don't come close to qualifying just because they are minority race. At some point the Democrat group mind, decided that race-based entitlements and affirmative action, was the path that should be taken. From then on, once a position has been taken, the initial debate is closed, and all further political maneuvering on the matter, becomes dedicated to protecting that path and winning any conflicts that threaten it's course. In Democrat tunnel vision mode, all Demo-nodes will manipulate the discussions, and rapid fire the finger pointing, in eloquent concert; coordinate into a petty, amoral beast, resolute to block anything, or anyone, that could jeopardize the mission - correct their path and allow even a sliver of fault to show through. They can't loose their plight and position, because with no higher objectives, making life into a game and winning, is all they got.

Long after every human with any morals and sense sees that harm is being done; after the most obtuse should realize that, in their insistence on putting ideology over morality, the Democrat collective is actually stripping minorities of the opportunity to ever legitimately do something great and get full credit for it; Democrats will continue course, and even remain self-righteous while doing it; whoever started the course decades ago, supposedly, did it with the intention of empowering minorities. No fact nor tragedy could be monumental enough to correct the path and convince Democrats to give up their win or admit wrong. Not that it is true, but they won't even admit that they were right at one time, but now their position is wrong.

It may be less that Democrats have bad hearts and don't care about the damage they do - it's probably more that they are so amoral and self serving, that their very self preservation depends on them not recognizing anything that would block their winning, and/or prevent their self-satisfaction while doing so.