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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Kind of World was America When You Were Growing: Before the Shock of Obama.?

Since Obama showed up, I have spent most days in varying states of shock. Shocked because Obama and the Democrats, the political and powerful ones at least, have codes and methods that seem so foreign; That are in many cases, nearly the antithesis of the codes of conduct, and acceptable norms of good character that I've been taught and surrounded by for much of my life. With Obama's White House, and the Democrats in Congress led by Harry Reed, the absurd has been the norm, and played out for those who watch, continuously, by players who show no guilt, and carry out their absurdities like there isn't, and was never, any other ways of being.

In the America where I grew up:

  • We did not discern how  to act or what course to take, based on how much propaganda could be created as a result, or how much the blow-back could be covered up.
  • You weren't off the hook just because a smoking gun wasn't provided as proof to something wrong we did. Just people knowing we did something wrong, absolute proof or not, was enough: unlike the  Obama world, we didn't insult others by not giving them credit for knowing the truth. That is an additional wrong on top of wrong. More deceiving and lying on top of lies. Actually, in the America I thought more of us shared, we generally didn't do wrong because just ourselves would know it. There was value and importants, in being a good person. An honest person who didn't cheat people, and didn't gain advantage just because we could, or especially didn't because we could.
  • The qualities and requirements for brilliance or genius were much higher, near impossible.  The ability to inspire women to faint at the sight and sound of you, was about as impossible. Winning the Nobel Peace Prise was unimaginable; people like Mother Teresa won that thing, and nobody was like her.
  • There was pride in being responsible, in doing something right, and in doing right by others - especially when it didn't serve oneself, or nobody would ever know if you didn't. We could trust each other behind a thousand closed door, and know our neighbors and friends and family, would do the right thing. I knew I would be represented, behind those doors, Democrat or Conservative, in their hearts, conscience and belief that inner character - doing the right thing- being and not just appearing to be a good person, was everything. Or, at least the most important thing. If one was a cheat, liar or scoundrel; if one was unfair, dishonest, underhanded, self serving. Then one would have to go through life in this human body, this container of a person, that was crap. One would have to live being thought of as a cheat or liar, thinking of oneself as underhanded and bad. Shit character spoils everything, no-matter how impressive of thing one might have.
  • In our America, we weren't perfect. Not even close. But we did one thing that is absent in the white house. That is most important. Something that I never see from any Democrat politician. Apologizing. We felt bad and we apologize when we did wrong - even when we just made a mistake while meaning to do right - we apologized and recognized that we were wrong or mistaken. This was very important. A way to stay humble, and open to learning and growing. Showing the willingness and capability of improving or adapting.  And, saying sorry was sometimes the only way to address the sadness we felt, the empathy, seeing others hurt because of us; we apologized because sometimes we harmed, hurt,  those we where supposed to do right by, who trusted we'd not harm them.
  • Once upon a time in America, if someone behaved 1/100th as shady as Obama and friends, they would have zero respect from anyone who could see their game;  and once upon a time, when people were honest, most could identify a lie and a liar, pretty damn easily. What happened to that ability? I don't know, but part of my daily shock, has to do with the fact that so few can see the obvious dubiousness, or at least so few are bothered by, dishonesty so blatant that  it seems almost mockingly,  this absurdity performed   by  Obama , Hillary and the rest of the leftist governing family.
I didn't know until Obama came along, how different the world of America must have been for many. Those that support Obama and Hillary, must have come from some kind of fucked up world, to be so comfortable with the Obama government's complete absence of honesty. No smoking gun found. If it looks okay, or at least nobody can prove 100% you did anything wrong, that shall be the gage as to what is fine to do. No doubt a person unaccountable to themselves, is a very small and potentially very dangerous person. Of course a tea party member is going to look like a holy rolling, simple minded, conservative zelot, from the perspective of the type of citizen who has a bar so low, that they respect and look up to people like Obama and Hillary. To a person who cannot identify a single thing reprehensible about these two, and who actually admire everything they do, the patriots of America who grew up in a world anything like the one I describe, must come across incomprehensible.