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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why are you sitting down and silent?

Every American adult has a responsibility to guard the freedom of Americans and the fundamental well being of the country.

What are you waiting to hear? Myself and others have already been providing a non-stop stream of examples of government corruption and references for you to investigate. Daily there are numerous new violations of law, egregious behavior, unAmerican activity, foolish decisions, and out right atrocities against America and her citizens: so many, that I have just now created a database just to keep track of and get a handle on just the day to day treason and lawlessness that i hear of. Everyday brings enough in itself, to justify condemnation and outrage by patriots that care about their freedom and their country. Hopefully this database will help me keep better track of the evidence so I can better point it out to fellow Americans: but, I wonder how anything will inspire those of you who aren't already screaming out in protest? What are you lacking, that could be provided for you, to inspire you to give a shit and speak out - to do anything - to do what you can to save your country? Or, will nothing move you? I say if you cannot be moved to speak out against that which destroys America, then you are utterly undeserving of American citizenship: you'd be a traitor, a coward, and a disgusting aider and abater for the enemy within.

Today so far today, our leftist, traitorous, Obama government has condemned Israel multiple times. By doing so, they demonstrate abject foolishness if not just straight up Jew hatred and antisemitism. The idiots in the White house actually chooses to fall for the propaganda of terrorists, Hamas, instead of realizing the obvious truth that is explained to them over and over again by Israeli ambassadors: Hamas arranges that kids will be where Israel is warning they will strike, for the obvious and direct purpose of provoking the exact stupidity we see coming from Obama, Kerry and the handfuls of stupid, leftist, Democrat pigs surrounding them and running the country ..... into the ground.