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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Choice - Your Choice

The choice isn't merely between differing economic strategies. It is a choice regarding which direction the fabric of culture, freedom and reality shall be woven. It is my believe that with a reality where little to no priority is placed upon truth and honesty, and where clever, ambitious leaders like Obama make it all about perceived truth, Political correctness - making morality more so a matter of ideology and a progressive gaming for policy, we will lose voice and freedom.

We have a government who won't name enemies; rather, whispers them in to replace American opportunities. Have you read the list of all the regime's grants, RFPs, scholarships, endowments, awards, etc? If you have, then you've seen that more opportunity is being extended to non-citizen Muslims residing in Muslim majority countries, than are being offered to white, male, American citizens. These progressives are passionate about an agenda that has been a century in the making; they are racist and eager to force about what they believe is social justice; they feel this to their core, and say and do anything to bring about this agenda. at the expense of anything, including the country's security, well-being, future, and freedoms.

The perfect storm is the Obama alternative. The will of social justice and retribution unto the white male and western, Judeo-christian culture as a whole, combined with the organized dubiousness of the Obama lead progressive machine, is the most profound threat American has seen, and if not stopped, will be its undoing.